CNN Style Transfer论文复现
# NeuralStyle
My own implementation of CVPR 2016 paper: Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks. This work is, I think, simple but elegant (I mean the paper, not my implementation) with good interpretability.
- CVPR 2016 OpenAccess Link is here: CVPR 2016 open access
- Personal understanding of this paper [Chinese]: Blog of Enigmatisms/CNN Style Transfer论文复现
2021.11.15 complement: I have no intention to analyze and explain this paper, because I think it's simple, and I have a deep impression of this, therefore there is no point recording anything on the blog. Original Github Repo: Github🔗: Enigmatisms/NeuralStyle. This post is exactly the of the repo.
To run the code
Make sure to have Pytorch / Tensorboard on your device, CUDA is available too yet I failed to use it (GPU memory not enough, yet API is good to go). I am currently using Pytorch 1.7.0 + CU101.
On Init, it might require you to download pretrained VGG-19 network, which requires network connection.
Tree - Working Directory
- folder
: Where I keep content images. - folder
: To which the output goes. - folder
: Style loss and Content loss are implemented
: VGG-19 utilization, style and content
: executable script.
A Little Help
Always run
in folder style/
using python ./ -h
, you'll get:
1 | usage: [-h] [--alpha ALPHA] [--epoches EPOCHES] |
- Run:
1 | python3 -m pip install -r |
To find out.
Training Process
- Something strange happened. Loss exploded twice (but recovered.). Tensorboard graphs:
Therefore, parameter images change like this (Initialized with grayscale image).
First few epochs | Exploded, for 2th row image | Recovered |
- CPU training is tooooooo slow. Took me 2+ hours for 800 iterations. (i5-8250U 8th Gen @ 1.60Hz)
Style | Content | Output(800 Iterations) |
- I've also done the style transfer of Van Gogh's self portrait for my dad, which is not appropriate to display, but worked.